Welcome to the MedWand Telemedicine API Version 1.x (Deprecated)

MedWand Telemedicine API Logo

MedWand offers a set of pre-built API resources you can use to integrate the MedWand VirtualCare platform with your current system. By taking advantage of our pre-built API resources, you can hit the ground running at your own pace. If you find that our pre-built API resources do not fit your needs, we can work with you to create a custom set of endpoints.

Default API Reference

The "patientUrl" is unique in that it works much differently than the "doctorUrl" and "guestUrl". While the "doctorUrl" and "guestUrl" are typical URL’s that can be navigated to via an anchor tag, JavaScript, pasted into the browser address bar, or executed from a compiled application. The "patientUrl" can only be navigated to via a user clicked anchor tag, JavaScript, or executed from a compiled application. This must also be on the mobile device that is connected to the MedWand hardware device and has the MedWand VirtualCare Android Client application installed.

The "patientUrl", when navigated to via one of the methods described above, will be intercepted by the Android operating system, and will automatically open the MedWand VirtualCare Client application via an internal URI, to begin the exam. Due to limitations of the browsers on mobile devices, a browser doesn't launch an external app for a given Intent URI in the following cases.

  • When the target URI is redirected from a typed in URL.
  • When the target URI is initiated without user gesture.

Due to this reason, the "patientUrl" can only be used via one of the methods described above. If you attempt to use the "patientUrl" in any other way, you will be sent to a page in the browser stating, "This exam type must be run from the MedWand tablet".

If you still believe your Url is having problems, try using the "Test Exam Url" tool below.

Getting Started

Step 1: Request Your Sandbox API KeySet

To get started, you must request a Sandbox account for your company. This is done through your sales person. Once you have your Sandbox account, you need to request your API Key/Secret pair to begin testing. Click the button below to request your keyset.

Request Your Sandbox API KeySet
Step 2: API Testing Tools

MedWand recommends and uses, Postman for all API testing. Although you may use any tool you wish, using Postman will allow us to better assist you if the need arises. You can download and install Postman from Here.

Step 3: First Test

Your first test will be to retrieve a heartbeat response from the api server. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Add a new request in Postman.
  2. Select "GET" as the method type.
  3. Enter "https://api.medwand.cloud/heartbeat" as the URL.
  4. In the "Authorization" tab, set the type to "No Auth".
  5. Click the "Send" button.

You should receive a response that looks like the JSON below:

        "actionResult": true,
        "actionResponse": "Success",
        "actionMessages": "v2.0.1.1",
        "actionDateUtc": "2018-01-01T18:08:01.5786221Z",
        "environment": "Sandbox"

Once you've successfully retrieved a heartbeat response from the Sandbox API, you are ready to get a deeper understanding of how the flow works between the MedWand Ecosystem.


The flowchart below covers all 3 exam types (Patient, OnSite, and Remote) that you may use.

Once you have a good understanding of the flow, you are ready to begin using our Default API to integrate the MedWand Virtual Care System with your existing PMS/EHR platform.

Use the Default API

Step 1: Create your first appointment
  1. Add a new request in Postman.
  2. Select "POST" as the method type.
  3. Enter "https://api.medwand.cloud/default/appointment/create" as the URL.
  4. In the "Authorization" tab, set the type to "No Auth".
  5. In the "Headers" tab add your API Key/Secret pair.
    • Add "apiKey" in the Key field.
    • Add the API key you received from us in the Value field.
    • Add "apiSecret" in the Key field.
    • Add the API secret you received from us in the Value field.
  6. In the "Body" tab, select "Raw" for the type and "JSON" from the dropdown list.
  7. Use the code from the "JSON Request" section below for the payload.
  8. Click the "Send" button.

JSON Request

                "appointmentId": "",
                "doctorName": "Dr. John Doe",
                "patientName": "Mrs. Jane Patient",
                "patientAge": 0,
                "patientSex": "",
                "patientWeight": "",
                "examType": "Patient",
                "scheduledStartDateUtc": "2023-01-01T18:08:01.5786221Z",
                "scheduledDuration": 30

JSON Response

                "medWandAppointmentId": "",
                "customerExamId": "",
                "doctorUrl": "https://examroom.medwand.cloud?platform=api.medwand.cloud&token=hzGBAmPl2UCfrkKwM-VacA",
                "patientUrl": "https://client.medwand.com?platform=api.medwand.cloud&token=ADsmk4pcqE6V1HfT4WQPqg",
                "guestUrl": "https://examroom.medwand.cloud/Guest?platform=api.medwand.cloud&token=MIUrf3cGVkqde7bJc_prOw",
                "actionResult": true,
                "actionResponse": "Success",
                "actionMessages": "",
                "actionDateUtc": "2023-01-01T18:08:02.2156221Z",
                "environment": "Sandbox"
Step 2: Run your first exam
  1. Add an anchor tag to the HTML file with the "patientUrl" value in the href attribute.
  2. Launch the HTML file in the Chrome browser.
  3. Click the "Run Exam" link.

The MedWand Client Application will run and you will be able to start the exam. If this did not happen, retry the steps above.

Take whatever readings you would like during the exam. When you are done, click "Summary" and then click "Exit Exam". The MedWand Client Application will close when the exam results have been sent to our server for processing.

You should have received a notification at the Callback URL that you provided with the following information:

                examId = "",
                endDate = "2023-01-01T18:08:15.5786221Z"
Step 3: Retrieve your exam results

Retrieving the basic exam results. We will retrieve the media results in the next section.

  1. Add a new request in Postman.
  2. Select "POST" as the method type.
  3. Enter "https://api.medwand.cloud/default/exam/basics" as the URL.
  4. In the "Authorization" tab, set the type to "No Auth".
  5. In the "Headers" tab add your API Key/Secret pair.
    • Add "apiKey" in the Key field.
    • Add the API key you received from us in the Value field.
    • Add "apiSecret" in the Key field.
    • Add the API secret you received from us in the Value field.
  6. In the "Body" tab, select "Raw" for the type and "JSON" from the dropdown list.
  7. Use the code from the "JSON Request" section below for the payload.
  8. Click the "Send" button.

JSON Request

                "appointmentId": ""

JSON Response

                "appointmentId": "",
                "doctorName": "Dr. John Doe",
                "patientName": "Mrs. Jane Patient",
                "examType": "Patient",
                "notesForDoctor": "",
                "notesForPatient": null,
                "vitals": [
                        "sensor": "Thermometer",
                        "data": "99.4",
                        "settings": "unit:Fahrenheit"
                        "sensor": "PulseRate",
                        "data": "70",
                        "settings": ""
                        "sensor": "SpO2",
                        "data": "100",
                        "settings": ""
                "media": [
                        "sensor": "Otoscope",
                        "readingId": "f1e05047-a519-476c-afe5-6c72cda56044"
                "actionResult": true,
                "actionResponse": "Success",
                "actionMessages": "",
                "actionDateUtc": "2023-01-01T18:08:02.2156221Z",
                "environment": "Sandbox"

Retrieving the media results by looping through the media[] array from Response JSON and call the url for each item.

  1. Add a new request in Postman.
  2. Select "POST" as the method type.
  3. Enter "https://api.medwand.cloud/default/exam/reading" as the URL.
  4. In the "Authorization" tab, set the type to "No Auth".
  5. In the "Headers" tab add your API Key/Secret pair.
    • Add "apiKey" in the Key field.
    • Add the API key you received from us in the Value field.
    • Add "apiSecret" in the Key field.
    • Add the API secret you received from us in the Value field.
  6. In the "Body" tab, select "Raw" for the type and "JSON" from the dropdown list.
  7. Use the code from the "JSON Request" section below for the payload.
  8. Click the "Send" button.

JSON Request

                "appointmentId": "",
                "readingId": "f1e05047-a519-476c-afe5-6c72cda56044"

JSON Response

                "sortOrder": 1,
                "deviceName": "MedWand Device",
                "deviceModel": "Generation2",
                "sensor": "Otoscope",
                "sensorMode": "Dermatoscope",
                "sensorSettings": "",
                "sensorData": "...",
                "actionResult": true,
                "actionResponse": "Success",
                "actionMessages": "",
                "actionDateUtc": "2023-01-01T18:08:02.2156221Z",
                "environment": "Sandbox"

At this point you should have a full understanding of how to use the MedWand Default API to create appointments, run an exam against an appointment, and then retrieve the results.

Technical Information

Exam Types

These values are case sensitive

  • Patient : This is a self exam completed by the patient only.
  • OnSite : This is a local exam completed by a practitioner (nurse, doctor, etc.).
  • Remote : This is an exam completed by practitioner (nurse, doctor, etc.) from a remote location.

Sensor Types

These are the available sensor types along with their possible unit types.

  • Thermometer : The settings field indicates the unit type.
    • unit:Fahrenheit
    • unit:Celsius
  • SpO2 :
  • PulseRate :
  • BloodPressure :
  • WeightScale : The settings field indicates the unit type.
    • unit:Pounds
    • unit:Kilograms
  • HeightScale : The settings field indicates the unit type.
    • unit:Inches
    • unit:Centimeters
  • Glucometer :
  • Respiratory :
  • SpirometerPef :
  • SpirometerFev1 :
  • SpirometerFvc :
  • PainLevel : The settings field indicates the unit type.
    • unit:Numeric
    • unit:PAINAD

Media Types

These are the available Media Types along with their possible modes.

  • Stethoscope : The sensorMode field indicates the mode the sensor was in during the reading.
    • Heart
    • Lungs
    • Abdominal
  • Otoscope : The sensorMode field indicates the mode the sensor was in during the reading.
    • Dermatoscope
    • Otoscope
  • Ecg

If you would like an example of how you might display the exam results, click this HTML Exam Results Sample link.

Frequently Asked Questions

MedWand Telemedicine Cloud

MedWand's Telemedicine Cloud consists of the servers and databases needed to exchange data between MedWand and your EHR system. It also supports the remote telemedicine exam.

MedWand only store a few pieces of PHI data for an upcoming appointment:

  1. The doctor/patient names are optional but allows for a better user experience.
  2. The patient's age, sex, and weight allows for more accurate AI functionality.

After the exam data is in your EHR system, MedWand will remove the doctor/patient names from our systems.


We support 3 appointment types:

  • Remote : Enables a remote doctor/patient telemedicine exam.
  • OnSite : Enables an on-site visit which does not require a remote doctor.
  • Patient : Enables a self-exam by the patient as requested by a doctor.

The doctor/patient names are optional but allows for a better user experience.

The patient's age, sex, and weight allows for more accurate AI functionality.

MedWand will make a call to your specified api endpoint notifying your system that a specified appointment (appointmentId) has completed and the data is available.

Exam Data

You may retrieve your appointment data at anytime after you receive the appointment complete api call from MedWand.

We currently support base64/mp3 data.

We currently support base64/jpeg data.

We currently support base64/jpeg data.

Test Exam Url

Having problems with the doctorUrl, patientUrl, and/or guestUrl? Paste the url you want to test in the field below to verify that eveything is working.

If you are still having issues, you can open a support ticket. Create a Support Ticket
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